Industry leader, CHIME founder John Glaser to speak at Fall Summit

By Amy McDonald, CHIME Communications


Who better to equip an IT leader than another IT leader? Who better than CHIME founder and industry giant John Glaser, who will share tips and insights on IT leadership Oct. 31 at the AEHIS Fall Summit in San Antonio, Texas.

With more than three decades of experience in the healthcare IT sector, Glaser has helped guide the industry to its prominence today. He is a senior vice president at Cerner Corporation, where he focuses on population health technology and product strategies. Prior to that position, he was the founding chairman of CHIME, president of the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society and CEO of Siemens Health, to name a few of the roles he has filled.

He set an early example of being an effective CIO in a healthcare setting, with 22 years in the Boston healthcare system working alongside clinical staff and learning the importance of practices that benefit patients, staff and IT goals.

Glaser is rounding out an impressive lineup of speakers and leaders at the Fall Summit for AEHIT, AEHIS, and AEHIA as the closing keynote. At the forefront of Glaser’s goals for healthcare IT are pressing toward value-based care systems to be implemented in the government and the private sector, seeing care providers become interoperable and security systems that evolve to meet challenges before they arise. All are hot topics, but for Glaser, they are nothing new, having been the subjects of his articles and interviews for over a decade, not to mention present in daily challenges he has faced as a CIO and a healthcare systems provider.

The unique obstacles of this multifaceted niche of healthcare keep IT executives on their toes, but Glaser is passionate about creating what he calls “CIO 3.0.” This is a CIO with a grasp on upcoming changes who is always learning to stay ahead of the curve and who leads a team as a facilitator rather than a dictator. Knowing about challenges is one thing, but understanding how to work through them successfully is quite another, and John Glaser is the premier authority on the subject. He uses today’s struggles to lay the groundwork for a better and brighter future for healthcare tomorrow.

In every industry there is a visionary, a navigator of uncharted waters who sets the standard for those who follow. For healthcare IT leaders, the man is John Glaser, as he uses his years of wisdom to continually propel the entire field forward. Be sure to hear his closing keynote address at the Fall Summit for AEHIT, AEHIS, and AEHIA. For more information about the Summit and to register, go here.

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