All events are in Eastern Time (ET) unless otherwise noted in the event description.

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    Increased Ransomware attacks and data breaches in Hospital environments has demonstrated that clinical systems, medical devices, other endpoints and identities are targets of state sponsored and cybercriminal attacks globally. A critical hospital system becoming unavailable brings inpatient care delays, which leads to adverse health outcomes.

    HCI with years of industry knowledge, serving major Hospitals globally, developed a unified Threat & Risk Mitigation approach for Hospitals to combat advanced cyber threats and avoid implicit TRUST of identities, users, endpoints, medical devices in their hybrid environments

    In this session, we will reveal our approach, Solution construct and steps to define, mature and reach Best-In-Class maturity in “ZeroTrust Driven Advanced Threat Management for Hospitals”.


    Balaji Venkataraman


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    Each device in your fleet has unique characteristics and managing the systems that keep them up to date takes a lot of time. The risk of out of compliance medical devices is not acceptable, so Medigate has integrated the patching workflow with key device manufacturers, ensuring that your connected device environment is consistently up to date. 

    Learning Objectives:

    • Keeping device environment up to date 
    • Moving beyond the patch 
    • Compliance risks 


    Samuel Hill Director of Product Marketing Medigate 

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    • There’s no denying that the past few years have posed some challenges for us to remain engaged and even more so in the virtual environment. Join us for a 30-minute discussion with Dr. Stephanie Lahr on March 18, 2022, at 1:00pm EST to discuss best practices for creating an engaging virtual environment that will leave your attendees wanting more. .5 CEU


    • Discover best practices to create an engaging environment
    • Learn how to recognize the “drift off” and discover methods for reengagement
    • Differentiate between a successful virtual meeting and a non-successful virtual meeting
    • Obtain tools and techniques to facilitate meaningful engagement that will leave attendees wanting more


    Opening:  Personal story                                         

    Creating an engaging virtual meeting                   

    Recognize the “drift off”                                         

    Takeaway: Recognize, act, and best practices     



    Stephanie Lahr, MD, CHCIO

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    On April 12th a set of five vulnerabilities impacting Aethon TUG healthcare robots were disclosed by Cynerio. These vulnerabilities allowed researchers to remotely execute a wide range of attacks including accessing restricted areas, controlling elevators, interacting with patients, dispensing incorrect medications, and many more. This session will provide a deep dive into the findings, discuss how healthcare organizations can protect against them, and cover proactive steps to protect against similar findings in the future. We will also discuss the broader trends related to IoT adoption in healthcare and how organizations are balancing the associated risks and benefits of modern technologies.


    Chad Holmes, Product Evangelist with Cynerio

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    Session Description:

    Social engineering attacks remain a favorite tactic for bad actors. Even very high-profile and sophisticated attacks begin with social engineering attacks. Why? Because the bad actors know they work. You, the organization, must be perfect and defend against these all the time; they only have to be successful once. Organizations continue to struggle to thwart these types of attacks, and many things make thwarting this a difficult task. We will explore the types of attacks and how organizations can improve their defenses.


    Will Long, MIS, CHISL, CISSP, CPHIMS, Chief Security Officer, AEHIS Board Member (Former Board Chair), First Health Advisory – Advancing Secure & Efficient Healthcare