Membership Criteria

To be considered for AEHIS Foundation membership, firms should meet most of the following criteria:

  • Support the purpose of the AEHIS Foundation to help develop, fund and implement programs that foster the professional development of CISOs, and the advancement of the healthcare industry
  • Commit to working in partnership with AEHIS members to refine corporate strategy with regard to the needs of the healthcare industry, and demonstrate this support
  • Demonstrate an established presence in the healthcare marketplace with business activity related to information security, consulting, recruiting, technology and/or applications
  • An ability to help recruit healthcare CISOs as members
  • Demonstrate a willingness to engage with and actively participate in the organization
  • Commit to having a senior executive attend the annual AEHIS Fall Summit
  • Support a broad range of interests and backgrounds while enhancing the strength of the AEHIS Foundation
Factors Which May Have Bearing on Membership

– Incomplete submission materials and/or insufficient criteria
– Any evidence of lawsuits and/or Federal/State investigations, the subject of which might reflect in a
negative way upon AEHIS and/or the AEHIS Foundation

Annual Investment (per calendar year)

  • $10,500

AEHIS Foundation Membership Application

  • Company Information

  • Contact Information