AEHIS members are encouraged to become engaged in the organization. One valuable way members can contribute to AEHIS is by getting involved with a committee. Browse the descriptions of our committees below and if you find one that interests you, indicate your interest on the web-form at the bottom of this page and we’ll be in touch to connect you with the committee of your choice.

Professional Development & Education

Solicit and schedule presenters for webinars, podcasts, and other AEHIS media events. Solicit and review KnowledgeHub submissions and best practices.
Committee Chair: Carter Groome, First Health Advisory Solutions
Committee Vice Chair: Will Long, Children’s Medical Center

Fall Summit Planning Committee

Develop agenda, solicit speakers, assist in logistics and marketing, and plan the annual AEHIS Fall Summit.

Incident Response

The AEHIS Incident Response committee is intended to develop the tools necessary to allow AEHIS members to help their organizations discuss and develop incident response strategies to many of the cyber attack and data breach scenarios their organization is likely to face.  Initially, the committee will seek to do that through the development of set of table top Exercises that encompass 10 incident scenarios that cover a broad range of impacts that cyber attacks and/or data leakage could have on the organization.

When an incident occurs the timeliness and quality of the response has a direct impact on how well an organization will be able to mitigate the damage it suffers as well as how well it will be able to minimize the operational impact of the incident. Come be part of the solution and join a team focused on creating healthcare incident response guidance and best practices.
Committee Chair: Chris Frenz, Interfaith Medical Center
Committee Vice Chair: Sonia Arista, Fortinet

Public Policy

The AEHIS Public Policy committee works collaboratively with CHIME’s Public Policy Steering Committee to advocate on behalf of the goals set by membership every year. CHIME’s staff in Washington, D.C. lead regular work group calls for member input, and communicate the challenges, ideas and solutions of AEHIS members to difference makers in Washington. Join passionate AEHIS members in making a positive difference in cybersecurity legislation and regulations, and making sure your voice is heard in our federal government.

Joint Cybersecurity Working Group 

The Joint CWG is an public-private partnership working group with many Healthcare Associations representing industry (such as AEHIS, HIMSS, and others) and HHS agencies representing the government. Over 50 associations are members of this group. AEHIS has a leadership role in this Joint CWG and can extend many opportunities to get involved to our members. In 2018 the group will be focusing on tackling imperatives as a result of the Cybersecurity Task Force Report. As AEHIS continues to fortify its leadership role within HHS, we highly encourage members to participate in these initiatives, and look for your involvement.

Get Involved – Join a Committee

AEHIS offers a variety of ways for our members to get involved, from short-term volunteer projects to committees and board service. We encourage you to deepen your engagement with AEHIS and your peers.



Committee participation qualifies for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) towards the CHIME Certified Healthcare CIO (CHCIO) Program. CHIME members and Affiliates may claim CEUs by entering them into the CHIME Continuing Education Credits form here