
AEHIS Interact
Interact is an email discussion list developed for AEHIS members to collaborate, discuss news and current events, ask questions and coordinate change in the healthcare information security landscape.

AEHIS Database 
Searchable membership directory to find other members in your field.

AEHIS Committees
Committee membership is a critical way for members to have a voice in AEHIS. Members are encouraged to join and engage with AEHIS committees.

Online Surveys
Members have access to both member–to–member surveys and foundation-to-member surveys. Do you have a survey topic? Conduct a survey of the membership. Do you want to provide input on healthcare IT? Share your opinion. Take a few minutes to participate in one of the surveys requested by your AEHIS Foundation firms.

Cooperative Member Services Program
To help healthcare organizations reduce costs, save time, and free up valuable resources, the Cooperative Member Services Program, provided by CHIME Technologies, allows members to benefit from a variety of preferential industry services, packages, and price offerings available exclusively from Foundation Partners.

Events & Education

NH-ISAC Briefing
Your membership in AEHIS means free access to the daily email briefing from NH-ISAC, a national cybersecurity information sharing organization. The NH-ISAC Briefing contains aggregated news and current events coverage from across all cybersecurity domains.

Fall Summit
Join fellow AEHIS members for an exclusive two-day conference featuring topics and speakers in the cybersecurity and healthcare IT field along with networking opportunities. The AEHIS Fall Summit is a great opportunity to get involved in the industry.

These interactive, online educational events allow members to learn from the top CISOs, vendors, healthcare suppliers and consultants about the most pressing issues and concerns facing healthcare security executives.

Online Focus Groups
These sessions provide a comfortable atmosphere (not a vendor sales pitch) where your thoughts, opinions and advice on healthcare IT topics can be shared with other c-suite executives. It is your influential guidance that our Foundation firms are seeking so that they can best produce products and services which are responsive to the needs of the industry. Participating in a focus group will qualify you for a $100 honorarium paid to you by the AEHIS Foundation.

Public Policy

Your Voice in Washington
Access to weekly updates from our team on Capitol Hill provided every Monday in the Washington Debrief. Through our team, members can voice their opinion in ways that can improve the regulatory and legislative landscape for health information security.

Effective Representation
In March of 2015, CHIME and AEHIS members raised cybersecurity challenges in healthcare on Capitol Hill. In 2016, several CHIME and AEHIS members were asked to serve on the HHS Cyber Taskforce. In May of 2017, that HHS Cyber Taskforce recently published a 60+ page report detailing the current healthcare IT security landscape and recommendations for improvements to existing policy and architecture, bringing much needed attention to growing cybersecurity vulnerabilities nationwide.