Transforming Healthcare Information Security, One Episode at a Time

By Zach Donisch, Director, AEHIS, AEHIT, AEHIA Membership

Enjoy a little cybersecurity content on the go with the newest episode of THIS – Transforming Healthcare Information Security. Take a listen to our newest podcast, “Brokering Access to the Cloud,” released on Monday, June 25

This episode features a discussion with Jose Ferreira and Chris Hoke from Sirius Computer Solutions about Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), and some strategies for identifying the right tool for your organization and deploying it effectively. As a middleware management tool, CASBs are an important step toward security data headed in and out of your organization, and keeping tabs on malicious use by bad actors or misguided use of outside SaaS vendors.

To listen to THIS, click this link or the image above and listen via our page on the CHIME website. You can also subscribe to THIS using your podcast app of choice; search for us using the keyword “THIS” or “AEHIS.”

If you’re interested in appearing on our podcast, feel free to email us at We’d love to hear from you and feature our members front and center. Our goal with our monthly podcast is to feature and promote the work and accomplishments of our members through interviews and discussions. We hope you enjoy our content and insightful discussions!

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